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Pocket Printy 9511 TYPO

Pocket Printy 9511 TYPO

Pocket Printy 9511 TYPO

Cena:   $ 1 664,00 (bez VAT):
Kolor obudowy:
Eco Czarno-Błękitny
Kolor wkładki/tuszu:

SKU 9511typobkblbk, 9511typobkblbk


Maksymalny rozmiar płytki 38 x 14 mm, do 3 linii tekstu.

Your personal stamp no matter where you go.

- Remarkably Small!
- Just Slide And Stamp!
- A Pocket Full Of Impressions.
- A Design That Speaks For Itself.

Trodat´s New Pocket Printy range comes to fulfil the needs of stamp users who are on the move and look for a stamp which is functional, easy to carry and always ready to use.

Whether it’s the compact size, the various colour choices, the simple sliding mechanism or the attractive design, the new Pocket Printy has all the features you need to make it your perfect portable stamp solution.

Type set 6003 with 3mm font size and tweezers included
Feasible characters per line
- 14 characters with type set 6004 (4mm) without spaces
- 18 characters with type set 6003 (3mm) without spaces
- 11 characters with type set 6005 (5mm) without spaces